Monday, April 7, 2014

Cullture in Nepal

Hinduism is the major religion of Nepal. In the 2011 census, approximately 81.3 percent of the Nepalese people identified themselves as Hindus.[1] The national calendar of Nepal, Bikram Sambat (B.S.), is a solar Hindu calendar essentially the same to that widespread in North India as a religious calendar, and is based on Vedic principles of time-keeping.
The geographical distribution of religious groups revealed a preponderance of Hindus, accounting for at least 87 percent of the population in every region. Among the Tibet-Nepalese, those most influenced by Hinduism were the Magar, Sunwar, and Rai peoples.
Due to this in the ancient  time the Great kings of NEPAL built lots of Temples. The kings and the civil were  very interested in Culture and they believe god so much.

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